Children of Herz Wolf and Sara Katz


Until newly discovered birth records, Herz Wolf (Naftali) Katz and Sara Cheine (Gruber) Katz were only known to have had three sons - Leo, Aron and Mates - with the possible controversial addition of a fourth son.

Sokal birth records digitized in 2007 revealed the existence of three more sons. The explanation for these previously unknown children was simple: two of these had died as infants, while the third one had died at the age of twenty-two.

Additional records digitized in 2012 surfaced no less than six previously unknown siblings. Three girls: Perel, Zlate and Chaje Zeldy, and three boys: Osias Maier, Nachman and Leibisch.

The addition of these six newly-discovered siblings radically changes the narrative of the Katz family: instead of being the story of three brothers who left Sokal for Germany around WW1, we now have twelve children, ten of which reached adulthood.

These new additions raise two questions: why was no one aware of the existence of these siblings, and what happened to them?

One of these "forgotten" siblings, Osias Meyer, is none other than Max, the "mystery" Katz brother who came to America. His name may have been erased from the family history because he didn't help his brothers when they were desperately trying to be sponsored for exit visas for the USA on the eve of the war.

As for the five remaining siblings - Perel, Zlate Nachman, Leibisch, and Chaje - if they remained in Sokal as I assume, they were most likely unknown to the younger generation who had left Sokal as infants. They would have been at most just a vague, distant presence in the lives of the children raised in Germany (Toni, Yitzhack, Bill, Max). Their parents, Leo, Aron and Mates, probably remained in contact with occasional letters. Toni remembered receiving letters from Sokal, and Max visited relatives in Sokal in 1938, so it is likely that these vaguely remembered relatives were their uncles and aunts.

They most likely disappeared in the Shoah, probably in Belzec in 1942 with the rest of the Sokal community. Their names don't appear on the Yad Vashem list of victims, nor in the community Yizkor book Sefer Sokal.

List of children of Herz Wolf and Sara Cheine Katz


Born: 19 October 1875

Born in house #23 which was registered under the names of Isaac and Zlata Katz, parents of Herz Wolf Katz.

See Mates Katz.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905.
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Sex House # Father Mother
Mates 19 October 1875 Birth 73 M 23 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine KATZ

Moses Leib

Moses Leib was born 20 May 1877 in Sokal.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Father Surname Mother Mother Surname Mother Town
Moses Leib 20 May 1877 Birth 54 M 23 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER Rozdzalów
Moses Leib Katz, Birth

Moses Leib Katz died 30 Sept 1877, aged 4 months.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Deaths 1831-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Father Surname Mother Mother Surname Mother Town
GRUBER Moses Leib 30 Sept 1877 Death 54 4m. M 23 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER
Moses Leib Katz, Death

Israel Tewel

Israel Tewel was born Jan 27 1879 in Sokal

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Father Surname Mother Mother Surname Mother Town
Israel Tewel Jan 27 1879 Birth M 1 e.g. Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER Rozdzalów
Israel Tewel Katz, Birth

Israel Tewel died August 31, 1901, of pulmonary tuberculosis, age 22.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Deaths 1831-1905.
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Father Surname Mother Mother Surname Mother Town
KATZ Israel Tewel August 31 1901 Death 56 22 y., 7 m. M 34 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Chanje KATZ
Israel Tewel Katz, Death

Perel Jütte

Perel Jütte was born 19 Dec 1880 in Sokal.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905.
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Father Surname Mother Mother Surname Mother Town
Perel Jütte 19 Dec 1880 Birth 136 F 62 e.g. Herz Wolf KATZ Sure Cheine GRUBER Rozdzialow
Perel Jütte Katz, Birth

Perel Jütte married Chaim Juda Leib Kolbuszower v. Gruber, merchant, born in Witków Nowy in 1876, son of Moses Kolbuszower and Hudes Gruber, on 6 September 1915. Considering the Perel would have been 35 years old, this is most likely the date of the civil marriage, the actual marriage most likely having taken place in the late 1890's.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Marriages 1863,64,66,68-99,1902-05.
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Page Sex Date of: Birth Town of: Birth
Father Mother
KOLBUSZOWER V. GRUBER Chaim Juda 6 Sept. 1915 M 66 59 M 1876 Born in: Witków Nowy
Residing in: Sokal
KATZ Perl Jütte 6 Sept. 1915 M 66 59 F 1880 Herz Wolf KATZ Sure Cheine KATZ
Perel Jütte Katz, Marriage

Aron Selig

Born 29 April 1882
Father of Bill (H.W.), Michael and Saul

See Aron Katz.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Sex House # Father Mother Mother Town
Aron Selig 29 April 1882 Birth 71 M 9 ? Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER Rozdzalów


Hersch was born 29 September 1884 in Sokal.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Father Surname Mother Mother Surname Mother Town
Hersch 1884 Birth 113 34 M 34 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER Rozdzalów
Hersch Katz, Death

Hersch died 26 may 1885 at the age of 8 months.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Deaths 1831-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Father Surname Mother Mother Surname Mother Town
KATZ Hersch 26 may 1885 Death 57 8 m. M 34 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRÜBER
Hersch Katz, Death

Leo (Leiser/Eliezer)

Born 22 February 1886,
father of Toni and Yitzhack.

See Leo Katz.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Sex House # Father Mother Mother Town
Leiser 22 February 1886 Birth 19 M Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER Rozdzalów


Zlate Katz was born August 14, 1887 in Sokal.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Sex House # Father Mother Mother Town
Zlate 14 August 1887 Birth 95 F Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER Rozdzialow
Zlate Katz, Birth

Zlate married Chajem (Chaim) Tennenbaum from Sokołówka, on 30 August 1909 in Sokal. Chaim's place of residence at the time of their marriage was given as three locations: Wilcza Wola, Bojanów and Nisko, indicating that he may have lived on the outskirts of these villages (Wilcza Wola and Bojanów are 10km aparts and 25km from Nisko). These are about 200kms from Sokal.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta D.O.B Sex Town of Birth Town of Residence Father Mother
TENNENBAUM Chajem 30 August 1909 M 33 1882 M Sokołówka Wilcza Wola/Bojanów/Nisko Sumer TENNENBAUM Itte TENNENBAUM
KATZ Slate 30 August 1909 M 33 1887 F Herz Wolf Katz Sara Chajne KATZ
Zlate Katz Marriage

In 1911, a son was born named Herz Wolf after Zlate's late father. Since this child was born in Sokal, it means that the couple had settled there and not in Chaim's former home.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Ksiegi metryka wyznania mojzeszowego
nr Mikr.A-77331
sygn. 1181
Surname Given Name Year Type Akta Page
House #
Age / Born
Father Mother
Birth of Herz Wolf Tennenbaum, son of Zlate

No other genealogical documents, including birth records for additional children, have been uncovered, either because such genealogical records have yet to be indexed, or else have been destroyed.

At some point after 1911, Zlate and Chaim left Sokal. By 1938, they lived in Lwow ("Lemberg", now Lviv), as evidenced by a postcard sent by Saul Katz to his friend Siegmund Spiegel in November of that year. Saul and his parents Aron and Gustl had been deported from Gera to Poland on October 28, 1938, and they were staying with Zlate and Chaim Tennenbaum, at least for a while. (Aron Katz would later be killed in one of the Lvov massacres. Saul and his mother were deported and murdered.)

Postcard from Saul Katz

Postcard from Saul Katz, Lviv, November 7, 1938

Saul Katz
c/o Ch. Tennenbaum
Podzamcze 15.

Podzamcze (now Pidzamche) is a neighborhood in the center of Lviv. In the beginning of the 20th century it was a working class neighborhood with many factories.

On 20 September 1939, the city of Lvov (L'viv) was occupied by the Red Army under the terms of the German-Soviet Pact. Following the occupation, Jewish community insitutions were closed and Jewish political parties and youth movements were disbanded.

On 29 June 1941, German forces entered Lwów, and Jewish persecution began immediately. Between June and July, thousands of Jews were murdered in pogroms and massacres. In December 1941, between 110 000 and 120 000 Jews were relocated into the newly-created Lvov Ghetto. In parallel, elderly and sick Jews were shot in a series of "selections". Starting in April 1942, transports to the Belzec death camp began. Following these first deportations, about 86 000 Jews remained in the ghetto. During this period, many Jews were forced to work for the Wehrmacht and the ghetto's German administration, especially in the nearby Janowska labor camp.

A work card issued to Zlate by the Judenrat ("Jüdische Gemeinde der Stadt Lemberg" by its official name) indicates that she was still alive at the beginning of the ghetto era. These cards were issued between 1941 and 1942, which is the best estimate we have since the work card is not dated. In the ghetto, she lived 14 Łokietka street, the street where the Judenrat was located and worked as a brush-maker ("Bürstenbinder") for V.H.B.

Postcard from Saul Katz

Zlate's work card issued by the Judenrat

V.H.B. stood for "Verein Holzverarbeitende und Ausstattungsbetriebe" (Associated Wood Processing and Furnishing Companies) and was one of several manufacturers working for the Wehrmacht. Based on over 250 surviving work cards of ghetto dwellers employed by VHB, the company operated workshops in multiple locations in Lwow, employing carpenters, brush binders and brush makers, keel dressers, locksmiths, machinists.

According to the surviving work cards, approximately 130 people lived on 14 Łokietka street. Among the dwellers were a dozen children under the age of ten, including a newborn baby (born January 1942) and half a dozen elderly people aged 62 to 70.

By 1942, a work card was a matter of life or death for the inhabitants of the ghetto, as those without employment were targetted for deportations to Belzec or the Janowska camp. Working in support of the German army in particular offered a hope of being considered an essential worker protected from roundups.

More than half of the inhabitants of 14 Łokietka street (70) were employed, the majority (29) working as brush makers. Twenty-one inhabitants worked for VHB as brush binders, the youngest employee a fourteen year-old boy. Another eight made brushes for other workshops, either the Lemberg Bürstenfabrik or the Städtische Werkstätte, a workshop organized by the Committee of Jewish Mutual Aid Society.

The next larger employer (9) was the Eastern Railway (Ostbahn). Disturbingly, seven people were employed in support of German army, in particular the Luftwaffe at the Sknilow air base. A couple of people worked for the Judenrat, including a member of the ghetto police.

Although Zlate's work card has her address as 14 Łokietka street, the same address appears as the location of the V.H.B. Bürstenfabrik (Brush Factory) in the 1942 Lemberg directory. Since over one hundred people who didn't work for VHB listed this as their address, including children and elderly people, this means that the brush factory had been added to the building and was most likely a Jewish workshop operating on behalf of a German company (VHB).

1942 Lemberg telephone directory

1942 Lemberg telephone directory.

The list of inhabitants of the building (at least as it can be reconstructed based on the work cards from the Judenrat) shows that while fourteen lodgers were single, the majority was made up of families, albeit often incomplete.

Only three Tennenbaums lived at 14 Łokietka street: Zlate, Ewa and Arnold, a two or three year-old toddler born 2 Aug 1939. The names of Zlate's husband Chaim Tennenbaum and their first-born, Herz Wolf don't appear on the cards from the Judenrat. From this we may infer that

According to [Yad Vashem testimony], Ewa Tennenbaum was born 8 Mar 1914 in Lwow, the daughter of Jacob and Klara Spritzer, and was married to Leon Tennenbaum, born in Lwow in 1914 [according to ???]. Although nothing more is known about him to connect him to Chaim and Zlate, it is most likely that he was another son of theirs. Confirming the connection between Ewa and Zlate Tennenbaum - as opposed to a mere name coincidence - is the fact that two testimonies were filed by the same person in Yad Vashem. [ insert name / link ]. [ confirm that the same person entered testimonies for Zlate, Ewa and Leon? or just for Zlate and Ewa, but mentions Leon]. (The only alternative would be cousins - but that would almost be more unlikely...]

Finally, we can also assume that Arnold Tennenbaum was the son of Ewa Tennenbaum (Spritzer) and Leon Tennenbaum.

(If confirmed, this would mean that Zlate and Chaim Tennenbaum had moved to Lvow after the birth of Herz Wolf in 1911 and before the birth of Leon in 1914.)

So we can sketch the following for Zlate Katz: She married Chaim Tennenbaum. The couple had a son Herz Wolf in Sokal in 1911; they later left Sokal for Lwow where another son Leon was born in 1914. (They could have had more children, for example one or more daughters whose trace would be lost once she would have been married). Their son Leon married Ewa Spritzer, with whom they had a son Arnold, born in 1939. Chaim Tennenbaum's fate is unknown. He might have been deported during the Russian takeover of Lwow (but then he would have probably survived the war and his trace might have been preserved). Or he most likely was killed in the early days of the German occupation - either killed by the Urkainian mobs or by the Nazis before the creation of the work cards by the Judenrat (so before 1942). The same possibilities apply to their son Herz Wolf who would have been thirty or thirty one years old in 1941-1942. Again, nothing is known about Herz Wolf Tennenbaum, son of Zlate and grandson of Herz Wolf Katz from Sokal. He most likely was married and had children, whose fate too is unknown. We most likely cannot know anything more until the genealogical records of the Jewish community of Lwow are indexed. [ or can you pay someone to go through the records? but there would be tens if not hundreds of thousands of records to go through!!!]

Between August 10-31, 1942, the "Great Aktion" was carried out, where between 40,000 and 50,000 Jews were rounded up and deported to Belzec. The ghetto was liquidated in June 1943; all its inhabitants who survived prior killings were deported to the Bełżec extermination camp and the Janowska concentration camp.

Zlate, who had left the small town of Sokal to live in the nearby city of Lvov with her husband Chaim met the same end as her brother Leo and her siblings who had remained in Sokal, most likely all murdered in Belzec. Zlate most likely died between 1941 and 1943, at the age of 55/57.

The only record for a Chaim Tennenbaum in the Lvov ghetto is for a person born in October 1883 who lived at a different address, on Jordanska street, suggesting that this was not her husband. The lack of any work card from the Judenrat for a Chaim Tennenbaum at the same address as Zlate implies that he may have died in the early days of the occupation, before the advent of the ghetto, or at least before the creation of the Judenrat work cards. In 1941, Chaim would have been 59.

Since there are no records for the couple's children and grandchildren, it's impossible to assess what their fate was. Because there are no pages of testimony in Yad Vashem, one must assume that the entire family of Zlate and Chaim Tennenbaum was exterminated.

Sources and References
Smoke in the Sand. The Jews of Lvov in the War Years 1939-1944. By Eliyahu Yones, 2004.
Macht Arbeit Frei?: German Economic Policy and Forced Labor of Jews in the General Government, 1939-1943 (Witold Wojciech Mędykowski, copyright: 2018 Publisher: Academic Studies Press) telephone directory for the district of Galicia Lemberg 1942)
[need to add the Yad Vashem query for the address - using both spellings]

Osias Mayer

Osias Mayer was born 6 April 1889 in Sokal.

Osias Mayer is the previous "mystery" Katz brother who changed his name to Max Katz. He emigrated to the USA in 1913 at the age of 24. There he married Rose Eckstein in 1916.

See Max Katz for Osias Mayer's story.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905.
Surname Given Name Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Mother Mother Town
Osias Mayer 6 April 1889 Birth 43 M Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER Rozdzalów
Osias Mayer Katz, Birth


Nachman was born 20 April 1890 in Sokal, in house 34.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905.
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Sex House # Father Mother Mother Town
Nachman 20 April 1890 Birth 62 M 34 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER Rozdzialow
Nachman Katz, Birth

Nachman Katz married Rifke Rosenblat on 27 August 1919 in Sokal.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex D.O.B Occupation Father Mother
KATZ Nachman 1919 Marriage 22 M 20-Apr-1890 Merchant Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER
ROSENBLAT Rifke 1919 Marriage 22 F 08-Nov-1891 Joel Pinkas ROSENBLAT Sara
Nachman Katz, Marriage

Nachman Katz, merchant born and residing in Sokal, son of the late Herz Wolf Katz, and of Sarah Cheina Katz, innkeeper in Sokal.
Married Rifke Rosenblat, born and residing in Sokal, daughter of Joel Pinkas Rosenblat, innkeeper, and the late Sarah Rosenblat in Sokal.

Nachman died 18 November 1928 at the age of 38* of pulmonary tuberculosis. (Death record has age: 40).

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex House # Father Mother Cause
Katz Nachman 18 November 1928 Death 60 40* (should be 38) M Kościuszki Herz Wolf Katz Sura Cheine Pulmonary tuberculosis
Nachman Katz, Death


Leibisch Katz was born 14 April 1891 in Sokal, house #34.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Sex House # Father Mother Mother Town
Leibisch 14 April 1891 Birth 59 M 34 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine GRUBER/KATZ Rozdzalów (Rożdżałów)
Leibisch Katz, Birth

Leibisch married Hene Freide Selig in Sokal. At the time (7 April 1921), Leibisch was thirty years old, meaning that this was most likely the civil recording of the marriage that probably occured a decade earlier.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Age Sex D.O.B Town of Birth Occupation Father Mother Father Town
KATZ Leibisch 7 April 1921 Marriage 9 M 14-Apr-1891 Merchant Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Cheine
SELIG Hene Freide 7 April 1921 Marriage 9 F 01-Oct-1894 Mosty Wielkie Berl SELIG Ruchel Mosty Wielkie
Leibisch Katz, Marriage

Leibisch Katz, merchant (kupiec = merchant, dealer, trader, tradesman, shopkeeper), born and residing in Sokal, son of (the late?) Herz Wolf Katz and Sara Cheine Katz (living), married Hene Freide Selig in 1921. Hene Freide Selig, born in 1894 in Mosty Wielkie, residing in Sokal, daughter of (the late?) Berl Selig and Ruchel Selig (nee Bothknecht) from Mosty Wielkie.

No other documents related to Leibish has been found so far.

Chaje Zeldy

Chaje Zeldy was born 29 November 1895 in Sokal, House # 34. She was named in the Beth Midrash on November 30.

Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine
Births 1858-1905
Surname Given Name Date Type Akta Sex House # Father Mother Mother Town
Chaje Zeldy 29 November 1895 Birth 171 F 34 Herz Wolf KATZ Sara Chajne KATZ Rozdzalów
Chaje Zeldy Katz, Birth

No other records related to Chaje Zeldy Katz have been found so far: no children, no husband, no death records, and nothing in Yad Vashem or in the Sokal Yizkor book.

This could mean several things: she could have had married and given birth - or even died - during the periods when city registers are missing, their absence refusing us the chance to learn what happened to her.

It could also mean that she would have - just like her sister Zlate - left Zokal for another town, maybe a larger city such as Lemberg or Warsaw. There again civil records will be difficult to help in our search, at least until the monumental effort to digitise them all bears fruition.

Chaje Zeldy could even - in theory - have left Poland for a different country, where her trace would have gotten lost and even harder to find. If she had been in Lemberg during the Russian invasion for instance, she could have been deported deeper into the Russian bakcklands, such saving her life, although one would expect that she would have been able to give a sign of life of some sort which would have reached the family. -

In any case, regardless or whether Chaje Zeldy - and I suppose a husband and a handful of children - may have resided - wether they stayed in Sokal, or moved to another shtetl or to a bigger cisty, their fate can be oresumed to have been the same terror that awaited family, friends and neigbours. Only the sepcifics remain unknown: was it the Gas chamber in Belzec, was it a bullet in the nape of the neck, standing naked on the edge of the mass grave dug in the forest, was it just starvation, disease from living in close filfthy quarters, and from beatings in sub-zero temperatures, or was it simply from swallowing a pill when they couldn't take it any longer? Was it being beaten to deat or shot for resfusing and order - to climb in a train or to lie on the floor and lift up her dress?

ANd was it in Belzec? or n the Sokal field now called "the pit"? or in a poor ghetto home? or in the forest trying to estcape? And was in in xxxx when the ghetto was first liquidated? or did she manage to hold off until the very end when they were finally transported to Belzec for a last shower?

We';; never know where, when, and how. and we'll never know if she was alone or with a husband and children - and how many they were and how old? And were they crying? where they afraid? Or were they maybe releaved believeing that maybe where they are going will be better? Or maybe there were at the stage where they had become dead inside already by too much privasions for too long, such utter desperation that one was willing that anything could be better. (NOOOOOOO

The absence of entries in a Zikor book, or of a testimony in Yad Vashem is the most terrifing sign tmplying that her entire familiy and all those who knew her were also murdered, whether in the pits or in the gaz chambers.

So we are left with the absolute void and a few possible ending, and nothing in between: THere was s Chaje Zeldy from Sokal from xxxx, daugher of xxx and xxxx, born on xxxx. in house xxxx

WHat she did, what she looked like, what she liked, who was she married to, and how many children did she have - all questions we cannot answers.

As for her disapearance, we have a vast choice of options to chose from, making some educated guesses: cmsidering her age and that a certain % of jews were depoted to Belezec wehre they were gassed upon their arrival, there is maybe a 50% change that such was her fate. I hope it was as quick and as peaceful as it could have been

Instead it could have happened right on the town square, the soldirers SS and Ukrainian shooting anyone who dared look the wrong way or who didm't move fast enough. Or maybe clubbed to death because a baby is crying or because she wasnt running fastr enough.

Or maybe she was taken earliy in the morning a corner of the forcer were german machine guns were set on the 4 corners and the women and men undressed snd climbed downn in the pit and were killed one bulled at a time and if they were lukcy it was quikc and over, and if they missed you got burried under hundred of bodies and let there buried alive under the dead bodies whimpeing in pain until after a few days the earh stopped moving and it was over, and the peasants felt safe enough to come back and started digging the earth to find the :"gold of the jews" ripping the dead' gold teeth, cutting fingers wirh rings, ripping earings - the bounty for the former friends and neighbrs p>

This family history project started September 2009.
All photos and documents belong to the author and are © Daniel Abraham, except for maps and where indicated.
Please have the courtesy to ask before copying any content.

This is a work in progress. Please contact me if you have any more information to contribute.

Last Modified: Thursday, December 26, 2024