Aron Selig Katz and family

Aron Katz - family tree.
Aron Selig Katz was born April 30, 1882 in Sokal, the son of Herz Wolf Katz and Sara Cheine Gruber.
Sokal PSA AGAD, Lwow Wojewodztwa / Ukraine Records from: Births 1858-1905 |
Given Name | Year | Type | Akta | Sex | Father | Mother | Mother Town |
Aron Selig | 1882 | Birth | 71 | M | Herz Wolf KATZ | Sara Cheine GRUBER | Rozdzalów |
Note that the house seems to be #9, which doesn't match the location of the other births in the family (#23 and #34).
Aron married Golda (Goldy) Fern from Rudki, a small sthetl about 80 miles (130kms) from Sokal, with a population of about 2500 in 1880, 50% of it Jewish.
It was common practice at the time for the groom to move to the sthetl of the bride, explaining why Aron moved from Sokal to Rudki.

Aron and Golda's legal marriage (1907)
Source: AGAD (Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw)
(Via Yossi Mund)
Aron Selig Katz, born in Sokal, merchant in Rudki, son of Wolf Katz et Sara Chajny, née Gruber, married Golda Fern*, born and living in Rudki, daughter of Daniel Fern and Malka, née Teicher, innkeeper in Rudki.
(* In the death record of Josef Katz, the couple's third child, she is listed as "Jenny Fernc".)
The civil marriage is dated March 23, 1907. At the time, Aron was 25 and Golda 23. The actual marriage could have taken place up to six or seven years earlier. However, since religious records from Jewish communities have not survived, we can only guess when the marriage actually took place.
In Rudki, Aron owned a furniture store.
Aron and Golda's son Herz Wolf was born on December 31st, 1906, in Rudki. He was named after his grandfather, Herz Wolf Katz. (He would later change his name in the USA to Henry William Katz - H.W. Katz.)
A second son, Michel, was born two years later in July 1908.
In 1910, another child, Hersch, was born. Aside from his birth record, nothing else is known about him. It is assumed that he died as an infant, sometimes before 1914.

Hersh Katz birth record, 1910.
Source: AGAD (Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw)
(Via Yossi Mund)
1913: Aron Katz left Rudki and came to Hamburg, presumably in early 1913. There, he boarded the S.S. Amerika on February 25, 1913, bound for New York.
According to the ship manifest, his final destination was Montreal, where he had an acquaintance named Josef Zunand (?) (Zuirand?). It is assumed that he hoped to settle in the New World and planned to later bring his wife and two sons. However, he either did not find the opportunities he was seeking or simply did not succeed, and he returned to Europe after a few months.

S.S. Amerika manifest, 1913. (full-size image)
List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival
Third Class
SS Amerika
Sailing from Cuxhaven* 5 Feb 1913 (* Cuxhaven was the ship registration point for Hamburg)
Arriving at port of New York - March 1913
Family Name: Katz
Given Name: Aron
Years: 31* (* = DOB ~ 1882)
Occupation: Merchant
Read: yes; Write: yes
Nationality: Austrian
Race or People: Hebrew
Last Permanent Residence:
Country: Austria
City or Town: Rudki* (* handwriting is unclear but what looks like "Ruthki" must be a misspelling)
The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came:
Wife: Golde Katz, Rudki
Final Destination
State: Queb* (* Quebec)
City: Montreal
Non Immigrant Alien
Whether having a ticket to such final destination: yes
By whom was passage paid? self
Whether in possession of $50*, and if less, how much? yes (* $50 = $1500 in 2024)
Whether ever before in the United States, and if so, when and where? No
Whether going to join a relative or friend: and if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address.
Acq(aintance): Josef Zuirant (? illegible)
Montreal xxx 91 xxx ave xxx
Place of Birth
Country: Austria
City or Town: Sokol (= Sokal)
I was told about Aron's aborted attempt for a new life in America by my mother and her friend, Siegmund Spiegel. Both had read H.W. Katz' fictionalized account in Die Fischmanns, where Yossel goes to the U.S. and then returns to his family in Europe, and both mentioned the novel when describing the event. According to Spiegel,
"(He came to the US) in the early twenties... for a short time, and (he) came back to Gera. He liked it better in Gera. He had another brother here, (i.e. Max Katz) ... but... he went back!..."
Over time, the combination of fiction and hearsay resulted in several inaccuracies: instead of 1913, the date became the 1920's; the destination was now the USA instead of Canada, and his return had been to Gera instead of Rudki. (For this last discrepancy, Spiegel may have been partially correct when he stated that Aron "liked it better in Gera" than in America. As for the presence of his sibling there, this too was partially incorrect - his brother Max would immigrate to the USA six months after Aron, in September 1913.)
1914: The family fled Poland during WWI and came to Gera, where Aron's brother Mathes lived with his wife and daugher.
1916: November 6, 1916: Goldy gave birth to a third son, Josef, and died of childbirth fever. She was about thirty years old. Her son Josef died shortly afterwards at the age of five months.
Eve Katz: "[Bill Katz] was around 7 or 8 years old at the time his mother Goldy died around the age of 30 in childbirth, and was stricken by the loss. Indeed, in some sense, it remained with him always."
19??: Aron Katz wed in a second marriage Gitla Gusti Katz. (Her birth name was Gitla, also spelled Gitel, Gitl. Gusti - also known as Gustl - was her secular name, short for Augusta.) Gusti was born in Krakow, the daughter of Saul Nuchem Katz and Ester Lea Rosenberg Katz. She seems to have come from a very religious family which included several rabbis, although a sister of her mother converted to catholicism. 1
"Aron was 'talked into marriage' with a woman from Munich named Gustl, née Katz. She was extremely orthodox and my father (Bill) was not happy in that home. He moved out to a furnished room."
"My father moved out of his home as a teenager, something almost unheard of. He spent much time in Mary’s home and often ate in Leo and Frida’s home. Saul was of course many years younger than my father and I do not think they ever came to know one another well."

Aron Katz
Source: Yad Vashem (Submitted by his son Michael Katz)
Siegmund Spiegel:
“Gustel was a hard woman. A very ambitious woman. Constantly running. Her husband (Aron) walked around with a cane, very slowly…”
The family lived at Hospitalstraße 12, in Gera. (Now Karl-Liebknecht-Straße; Gera's Orthodox synagogue was nearby at Hospitalstraße 4.)
1938: During the "Polenaktion" of October 28th, Aron, Gustl and Saul were deported to Poland, along with 17 000 Polish Jews. They managed to get to Lwow and stayed, at least in the beginning, with Aron's sister Zlate and her husband Chaim Teenenbaum.
Less than a year later in September 1939, Lwow was invaded by the Soviet Union. The city would remain under Russian control until 1941. Then, on June 30, 1941, the Germans invaded Lwow and violence against the Jewish population started immediately. The Jews were forced to move into the ghetto at the end of 1941.
Some time after the war, his son, H.W. Katz, learned that Aron Selig had been shot in Lwow in the summer of 1941 because he had refused to enter a lorry taking the Jews to a concentration camp.
It is possible that his death actually occured in the spring of 1942. A burial registry from Lwow has an entry for an Aron Selig Katz who died on March 21, 1942, aged 60. While Aron Selig was still one month and nine days short of his sixtieth birthday, the odds of more than one man called Aron Selig Katz around the age of 60 who died within the city of Lwow around that time - as opposed to being deported - are low. He was buried two days later on March 23.
Assuming that this was indeed the Aron Selig Katz born in Selig, the burial entry then shows that he by then lived on 7 Pod Debem street, a small street presumably in the Jewish quarter.

Burial entry for Aron Selig Katz
1942: Two major Aktions took place in in March-April 1942, then in August of that year, during which tens of thousands of Jews were either deported to the Belzec extermination camp or shot to death in Lwow. According to my mother's testimony, Gustel and Saul were deported to a death camp [Belzec]. According to Michael Katz's Yad Vashem page of testimony, Gustl and Saul were killed in the 1942 Lwow massacre. While it will most likely never be possible to know the exact circumstances of their deaths, it is assumed that they were murdered some time in 1942 or in the middle of 1943 at the latest when the Ghetto was liquidated.
- Special Thanks:
- Yossi Mund (links to genealogical records, 2021).
- Bogdan Dabrowski (additional information on Gusti Katz's family, 2023).
- Sources and References
- Yad Vashem (Aron)
- (Burial entry)
- 1: Bogdan Dabrowski, a descendant of Gusti Katz's family. (2023)
- (Lwow Ghetto)
- Ena Pedersen : Writer on the Run: German-Jewish Identity and the Experience of Exile in the Life and Work of Henry William Katz (2001)