This collection of calling cards from Constantinople gives an idea of the people Ronya and Moritz Abraham socialized with.

Could this have been the reason why Aaron Aaronsohn stayed in contact with Moritz Abraham?

Calling cards, Constantinople

Calling cards, Constantinople

Colonel Y. Petroff
Bulgarian Liaison Officer to the Headquarters of the Allied Forces in the Orient.
J.A. Najditch
Member of the "Actions Comitee" of the Universal Zionist Organization
Member of the Inspecting Council of the Jewish Colonial Trust Ltd, London
Colonel Rolletto Dott. Enrico
"Commandant of the Italian troops, Constantinople"
Dr. Wellisch
A Hungarian Jew, he became an Ottoman official and had extensive connections in Kushta.
Dr. Wellisch headed the health department of the Turkish Ministry of the Interior for many years.
Herzl's unofficial representative in Constantinople, he accompanied him during his visit to Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1901.
Permanent Board Member of the Education Ministry
President of the German Synagogue's Talmud Thora, rue Camondo, Galata
Turkish Ambassador in Vienna ?
Dr. Amelie Frisch
Head of the Austro-Hungarian hospital in Constantinople
See Medicina Historica
Sophocle E. Veniselos (Sophocles E. Venizelos)
Captain of Artillery, Greek Military Attaché. Later Member of Greek Parliament, Ambassador; Prime Minister of Greece.
See Wikipedia
J. Fernandez Guillamet
Drogman Adjunct to the Spanish Legation.
(Drogman: interpreter attached to Western diplomats in the Ottoman Empire.)
Vice-consul of Her Hellenic Majesty. Dardanelles.
Peter Iv. Lajitschkoff
Bulgarian Diplomatic Agency, Constantinople
J. Salem Effendi
Turkish Vice-Consul, Tripoli
Herbert Wolff
German Embassy, Constantinople
Maggiore Cav. Mario Stanzani
Head of the Italian Aeronautic Mission, Constantinople

This family history project started September 2009.
All photos and documents belong to the author and are © Daniel Abraham, except for maps and where indicated.
Please have the courtesy to ask before copying any content.

This is a work in progress. Please contact me if you have any more information to contribute.

Last Modified: Monday, February 17, 2025